Tuesday 23 March 2010

Day of filming

The day of filming went well. We split the filming into two days, because parts of filming were very different from others. For instance the interview scenes had to be done in a quite room preferrably with white walls where as all other scenes all had to be shot outside -at castle cove beach and in surrounding areas- and at one of our homes. We left straight after our class on the Wednesday morning and began filming the outside scenes on the beach and the house scenes. We needed three shots for the house scenes, which were easy to do. The first shot was a panning shot of the protaganist coming around the corner, through his front gate and to his door, the second was an over the shoulder shot of him approaching the door (that is already ajar) and pushing it slightly to reveal that it is unlocked and the last was of our protaganist looking around the ground floor of the house and then running up the stairs.After we had filmed the house scenes, we needed to film the slightly more difficult outdoor scenes. We made our way down to Three-posts beach and the cove at mid day and began filming in the horrible pre-sping Weymouth weather. The first shot we needed was an establishing, panning shot of the the beach where we would be filming, that would set the scene for the audience. The second was of our protaganist running along the beach, then stumbling and falling over, and then getting back to his feet and running out of shot. Other shots included: a shot of a dead body washed up on the shore, drenched though and covered in seaweed, tracking shots of Ethan running frantically across the beach and through grass, and a POV shot of Ethan face looking through the bushes and his terrified eyes. After our day of filming was complete (we ended up finishing at about half past three in the afternoon), we were confindent with what we had achieved and that we had all the shots we would need.
The following day we needed to film the interview shots, which showed Ethan reliving and retelling his experiences. We needed nine of these interview clips that would fit inbetween the other action clips. We therefore hired out the filming and camera equiptment again, and found a suitable room -I had imagened a plain room with bright, white walls as the setting to give a real interview/interrigation feel -but in the end we settled for a projection backdrop. These shots were very simple to film asd they obviously required know movement or much altering at all, the camera stayed in one place the whole time. The only problems were the acting -as sometimes, naturally, Lloyd (acting Ethan's role) would mess up his lines, and the quality of the sound, as sometimes we would get unwanted sound effects such as cars driving past outside or people in thje next rooms talking.

All in all I feel the filming went quite well and we got all of the shots we planned and needed to get in the two days we had planned and we didn't need to go back and reshoot anything.

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